25 May 2011

Mousey casualty

Awoke this morning to another sprung trap. Have left it in the trap while I'm at work as a warning to all his little mousey mates.

This brings the death toll to 11. If I ever get a cat, I'm not going to need to feed it.


  1. 11 Mice.. OMG! We need to get you motion sensor turrets for all and anything that could be considered a gap around the base of the house! I don;t think you'd get much sleep from the sounds of it though, bullets firing all night long! Alll night looonng, all night.... allll night lonnngg, all night!

  2. Had another one last night, we're at 12 now. I actually got some more high tech traps on the weekend and this was the first kill from one. The main advantage so far is that I dont have to touch the dead mouse end of the trap at all. They look slightly less vicious than the old school ones as well.

    Motion sensor turrets! They mostly come at night...mostly

  3. Your not the ones, I had lunch with family today, apparently Canberra is experiencing a bit of a mouse explosion at the moment.
